Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Now i see things blurry
everyone's just so fake
now i feel so empty
and it made everything so messed up
i was wondering what you're doing
i even imagine where you are
you said you're just pre-occupied
it made me feel so bad

i remember back then those better days
and your actions have inspired me
i started to feel secured and comfy.
i know everyone is changing
there's no one that's so real
but let me just know what you feel
coz i'm so clueless and burn out
and for me to make up your ending

Nobody ever told me what you feel
nobody ever told me what to do
nobody ever told me what to say
nobody ever made me feel alright

let me shove this in your face
i'm just ok and i feel alright
i'm free and found my solace
i'm not at lost but you are
look at you and analyze yourself
you pathetic, egocentric bastard

now i can see things clearly
i understand how things go
how i wish i could let it flow
so i can live my life blissfully

can you take it all away
when you shoved it in my face
this pain you gave to me.


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